Why do I receive returned emails which I did not send? Print

  • Updated on 07-May-2024
  • 17

This problem is caused by spammers who are using a forged email address If you are receiving returned emails that you did not send, it is likely that your email address has been spoofed.

Email spoofing is a technique malicious individuals use to forge the sender's email address, making it appear as if the email was sent from a legitimate source when it actually was not.

Here are some reasons why this might be happening:

  1. Spammers or Phishers: Spammers and phishers often use email spoofing to send their messages to a large number of recipients, and they may use your email address as the "sender" to make it seem more trustworthy or to avoid detection.

  2. Virus or Malware: If your computer or device has been infected with malware, it may be sending out emails without your knowledge, and the recipients' email servers could be returning those emails to your address as undeliverable.

  3. Misconfigured Email Server: Sometimes, misconfigured email servers can cause legitimate emails to appear as though they were sent from your address when they were not.

  4. Email Forwarding: If you have set up email forwarding from one account to another, the original sender's address might be retained in the forwarded email, leading to returned messages landing in your inbox.

  5. Account Compromise: In some cases, your email account could have been compromised, and the attacker is using it to send spam or phishing emails, making it seem like you are sending those messages.

   To address this issue, you can take the following steps:

  1. Check for Malware: Run a thorough antivirus and malware scan on all your devices to ensure they are not infected.

  2. Review Sent Items: Check your sent items folder to see if any suspicious emails were sent from your account without your knowledge.

  3. Change Passwords: Change your email account passwords to strong and unique ones. Enable two-factor authentication if available.

  4. Contact Your Email Provider: If the issue persists, contact your email provider to report the spoofing incident and seek their assistance in resolving it.

  5. Warn Contacts: Inform your contacts that your email address has been spoofed and that they should be cautious about any suspicious emails they may receive supposedly from you.

      Remember, email spoofing can happen to anyone, and it doesn't necessarily mean your email account has been hacked. 

      For more information on how to set enable SPF in your account, check this SPF record article.

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