Discover the Best Domain Registration Services: See Our Top Features
Register 507+ domain extensions, including .com, .net, .org
Register and Renew .com domains at the lowest prices
Domain Name Search, Registration and Activation in Just 30 Mins!
Buy domain names at the cheapest rates
  • Free .com domain with any hosting package

  • Advanced domain availability and WHOIS Checker

  • Free SSL Certificates

  • User-friendly interface

  • Privacy Protection

  • DNS Management

Domains List
Domain Pricing List
Checkout the all Domain Prices

Extensions (TLD)

TLD, gTLD, ccTLD, Etc.

Domain Registration

For new registration

Domain Transfer

To tranfer from other registrar

Domain Renewal

To renew your Domain
























































































Domain Registration
Domain Registration by intoHOST
intoHOST has the best domain name search tool , called our Domain Checker Tool. It helps you check if your desired domain name is available instantly. intoHOST also offers great prices, strong customer support, and many different domain options. You can easily register your domain with intoHOST and get your website online quickly and without any hassle.

Benefits of Domain Registration using intoHOST

Choosing a domain registrar can be difficult, but with intoHOST you get the following features to help you choose us confidently:


We offer .com registrations for just $8.50 per year and .pk registrations for as low as 2,399 per two years – the lowest prices in the market.

TLD Availability

intoHOST provides a whopping 507 gTLDs and ccTLDs, as seen in the pricing table above.

User-friendly interface:

Our user-friendly interface makes managing your domain and any additional services easy.

Privacy Protection:

This service keeps your personal information, such as your name, address, and phone number, private and hidden from the public, who can access the WHOIS database for eligible TLDs.

DNS Management:

This service allows you to manage and customize the DNS settings for your domain, which is helpful for advanced users.

Free Transfers:

We offer free domain transfer for eligible TLDs and also include free privacy protection for the first year.

Free Domain Registration:

intoHOST offers FREE domain registrations with any web hosting package you purchase. This can be an excellent option for small businesses who are just starting a website and looking to keep costs low at the beginning of their hosting journey. Besides saving you money, this simplifies the process of setting up your website.

Services We Offer
Checkout Our Services
Web Hosting

Perfect for smaller websites and blogs. Comes with cPanel, PHP and more.

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Windows Hosting

Perfect for smaller websites and blogs. Comes with Plesk, ASP, IIS and more.

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WordPress Hosting

Optimized for WordPress with auto-setup, updates, security, and backups.

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VPS Hosting

High-performance Servers for Faster Websites & Applications.

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Business Hosting

Business Hosting that delivers lightning-fast speeds, maximum uptime, and superior security features.

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Windows VPS

Take Your Business to the Next Level with Windows VPS Hosting

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